all postcodes in YO24 / YORK

find any address or company within the YO24 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO24 3AA 0 53.950785 -1.129939
YO24 3AB 0 53.952113 -1.130871
YO24 3AD 2 53.950734 -1.129102
YO24 3AE 1 53.948292 -1.126943
YO24 3AF 0 53.948893 -1.126885
YO24 3AG 1 53.947216 -1.124879
YO24 3AH 0 53.945475 -1.122782
YO24 3AJ 0 53.947344 -1.122697
YO24 3AL 0 53.947501 -1.123288
YO24 3AN 0 53.948596 -1.124271
YO24 3AP 0 53.947654 -1.124504
YO24 3AQ 2 53.946333 -1.124547
YO24 3AR 0 53.947894 -1.124163
YO24 3AS 0 53.949494 -1.125425
YO24 3AT 0 53.949318 -1.124682
YO24 3AU 0 53.950007 -1.123037
YO24 3AW 0 53.948868 -1.1246
YO24 3AX 0 53.949706 -1.12251
YO24 3AY 0 53.950022 -1.125079
YO24 3AZ 0 53.950557 -1.124519